Social Media

top brands on youtube

What You Can Learn From the Top Brands on YouTube

by SEO Savvy May 27th, 2014

When you think about social media marketing, Facebook and Twitter are likely the first networks that come to mind. However, although these two channels can be effective marketing tools for any brand, other platforms can also contribute to the success of your social media campaign. In fact, according to Social Media Today, more than one billion users visit YouTube on a monthly basis, and many brands have already cashed in on the opportunity.

YouTube’s Biggest Brands

According to a recent research study conducted by Google, the top brands on YouTube as of Q1 2014 are GoPro, Six Pack Shortcuts and PlayStation.


GoPro is a leading manufacturer of cameras, as well as camera accessories and applications. Google credits GoPro’s success on YouTube to the brand’s content curation efforts, as well as the originality of the content presented on the GoPro YouTube channel.

Six Pack ShortCuts

Six Pack ShortCuts produces workout videos and other fitness-related products. According to Google, this brand owes its marketing success on YouTube to its high quality content that is tailored specifically to reach its target audience.


Gaming giant PlayStation has also made its mark on YouTube by creating engaging content that captures and retains users’ attention. Google reports that much of PlayStation’s content is shareable, which has contributed to the brand’s success on this content channel.

YouTube Marketing Best Practices

1. Create shareable content.

Many of the brands that have enjoyed success on YouTube, including PlayStation, have enhanced their influence by adding engaging content that generates large numbers of shares. According to Reel SEO, content is more likely to be shared if it is:

  • Relevant or interesting to the target audience
  • Provokes a strong emotional response
  • Easily shared on a variety of other platforms

When creating content, ask yourself it meets the criteria above before you post it. If it doesn’t, consider making some changes.

2. Make use of YouTube SEO.

According to Search Engine Watch, the top brands on YouTube concentrated on SEO more effectively than others did. To make your channels SEO-friendly and improve visibility, be sure to include relevant tags on every video you upload. Use the tags suggested by YouTube, as well as any others you want to add on your own. Be sure to include variations of tags as well. For example, if one of your tags is “cellular phone,” consider adding “cell phone,” “cellphone” and “phone” to the list too. In addition, YouTube recommends increasing watch time by creating well-organized playlists with optimized metadata.

3. Respect the viewer’s attention span.

If your videos are too long, viewers are likely to get bored and go to another page. In fact, Web SEO Analytics reports that the most popular videos on YouTube average approximately 3 minutes in length. Aim for anywhere between 2 to 4 minutes each time you upload a video. If you have longer videos to upload, consider breaking them into multiple parts.

4. Be Productive.

Producing a consistent stream of high-quality videos is one of the best ways to create a loyal base of followers on YouTube. In fact, according to Search Engine Watch, the top brands on YouTube upload an average of 78 new videos every month. Build your content library by posting short videos about your products or services, such as demonstrations or tutorials. You can also add content to the channel by converting webinars and webcasts into a series of videos.

5. Keep it connected.

Integrate YouTube into a comprehensive social marketing campaign by linking your YouTube profile to the profiles you maintain on other social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, and encourage users to connect with you on those networks as well. Your YouTube profile should also be linked to your official website to encourage direct conversion.

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