How to Use Google Authorship for Better Online Marketing

Google is on a mission to discover the best content on the web that’s been created by true subject matter authorities. Brands can leverage content marketing to increase brand recognition in online search, delivering the right content, at the right time, to the right customer. One possible solution for this is Google Authorship.

What exactly is Google Authorship? It’s more than a byline; it’s one of the fastest ways for companies to increase traffic to their site, increase click-thru rates, build brand awareness, and improve lead generation. It’s also part of Google’s ongoing push to eliminate duplicate or spam content while pushing its search algorithm to become more social media oriented. Google Authorship increases credibility, which is key to landing more clicks. In fact, Google Authorship can increase click-thru-rates from 30% to a whopping 150%, according to Internet Marketing Incorporated.

While 65% of companies say they are actively incorporating Google Authorship into their current content marketing strategy – according to CopyPress – many of these same companies are unsure how to go about using the service to its full potential. Here’s are our suggestions:

#1: Google Authorship is your “digital signature.”



Google Authorship is a way for Google to show the author of the content in question next to his/her content in search results. Rather than just showing the article title, the search results will also show the author’s name and link to his or her Google+ profile. Google used to also display photos, but they’ve recently done away with this. Google Authorship also includes the number of G+ circles the author is in along with a link to more search results for the Author.

Knowing this, you should be utilizing your Google+ profile, if only to boost your credibility. While it may not seem like a good use of your time to interact on here when you could be reaching more users on Facebook and Twitter, keep in mind that Google+ is the fifth most popular social media site at present, and the benefits related to Google Authorship are worth a little bit of time each week. At the very least, make sure your profile is up-to-date, including your most recent information, and showcases you as a professional.

#2: Your Author Rank may impact the placement of your content in search results.

While Google has yet to formally make a statement on the specific role of Author Rank, we know that the more social activity your articles receive (i.e., the more re-shares, clicks and +1s), the more of an authority you will be seen as. Other factors that can impact Author Rank may include engagement on G+, authority on other platforms, comments, and inbound links. Most critically, Author Rank allows Google to remember the authority and credibility that you have built as an author, which is separate from the authority of a personal blog or company website.

Bottom line: Google Authorship can help your business supercharge its content marketing strategy. To do this, remember that Google Authorship is all about building credibility through relationships. Become a thought leader by harnessing your company’s internal knowledge and putting a face and a name to this knowledge.

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